Enough light to see the path; enough courage to take the step; enough sense to enjoy the walk; enough company to share the time.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

re: the unopened present

shake it and hear only waiting silence
open it and find it empty but for
ten words spoken into it so small
and simple a thing it takes no space at
all in a light paper box full of wish
hope long and will that i also carry
compact though uncontained

(How can a heart full of empty weigh so much?)


  1. No question of Oxford commas here… ;~}

    1. LOL! It's funny you should mention Oxford commas as I'm an unashamed and relentless user of them in my copywriting and journalistic endeavors. I even received some hate mail not too long ago (both on Twitter and via email) regarding my use of the big O-comma. ;-)

      The rebel gal in me became slightly more inclined to use them after that (if that's even possible). Learning some new things about me, K?

      Beautiful piece, by the way. An empty heart is the heaviest heart of all. 'Tis the paradox of life we live in this mystical world -- a world veiled by mists and contrivance of truth. We can only really see Truth when the veil is torn, the mists are cleared, and the heaviness of empty on our hearts is lifted.


I'm grateful that you are taking the time to comment, and I look forward to reading what you have to say!