Enough light to see the path; enough courage to take the step; enough sense to enjoy the walk; enough company to share the time.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Guest Poet!

(Author: Samantha Gluck)

I made the devil himself stutter on his words
Made his words slip for a moment,
A fateful moment.

Made his beautiful smile catch --
Falter for a split second
A fallen second.

I left him, yes
Alone and


I admire the form of this, the imagery, the simultaneous sense of triumph and sympathy.
Special thanks to Samantha Gluck, a.k.a. @TexasCopyWriter, @MedTopicWriter, the first half of @SamAndAmySpeak, Owner and Executive Dream Weaver, All Media Freelance, LLC,  and Editor-in-Chief, Freelance Writing Dreams. Despite her credentials as a writer, she has been shy about admitting her poetic ability. This is her second guest post (see also "I Promise," on the Guest Poets, Ghost Poets page.) I am proud that Samantha has chosen to "come out" as a poet on WaterPhoenix—SCOOP!


  1. LOL! I don't know how much of a SCOOP it is...most newsrooms would take one look at my "poetry" and call it a DROOP, not a scoop. But, thank you anyway for putting it up.

    Even so, this little word grouping came upon me unawares, so I figured it would be better than the times i'm attempted to come up with a poem in some sort of "forced" fashion. It really happened to me and he really did sport a Hollywood smile...but I kicked that sparkly beast to the curb. I did! ;-)

    Alas! I'm happy to say that my son, Iain, has been gifted with far more talent than I in the poetry department. What a lil wordsmith he is!

  2. Samantha, good for you!!! Oh to be a fly on the wall when it happened! I love the poem and had no idea you had those leanings. Again...good for you.

    1. Thanks for your amazingly kind words, Donna-Maria. Despite what Kathryn the poetess says, I'm certainly no "real" poet simply because I (on occasion) write poetry. I do, however, appreciate her allowing me to have a moment in the spotlight; albeit, undeserved when my work is compared to her amazing talent.

      All that goes back to the fact that I see many self-proclaimed "writers" online...even one who calls herself a copywriter/editor that has a business webpage riddled with grammatical and punctuation errors. Just because one "decides" that one is a writer or editor doesn't make it so. That said, the fact that I write poetry does not make me a poet. I'm a skilled journalist/copywriter who dabbles in poetry, singing, painting, and various types of dance. ;-) LOL! I appreciate your dropping by. Please don't be a stranger. Miss you, Donna-Maria.

    2. Quite an awesome job Samantha! It's fitting that it appears on the home of exquisite poetry. You and the wordsmith Fenix (Kathryn) are damn exceptional!

    3. NOW will you be settled on the matter, Samantha? ;~}

      Thank you, Thom, for your generous readings, and the time out to comment; I appreciate it VERY much.

      And Samantha, maybe you'd have a word with Thom? I think haiku would be a particularly suitable style…

    4. Why thank you, Thom & Kathryn!

      @Kathryn: Me? A word with Thom? I have a word with him almost daily lately...as we're working on a big project together. I'll put in a push for the haiku debut (see how I did that?)


    5. Mmm, intriguing! (I see how you did that ;~}) Tagging out to you, my dear!


I'm grateful that you are taking the time to comment, and I look forward to reading what you have to say!