Enough light to see the path; enough courage to take the step; enough sense to enjoy the walk; enough company to share the time.

Monday, March 5, 2012


It’s thanks to you I’ve played Sir William’s frets,
and gratitude the more I’ve my own tried;
For though my art does want, why so regret
that Art the more by Try’s not amplified?
Forgive then, distant friend, the handicaps
that pressed to dance with words have only limped
graceward with halting measure, and left scraps
of ideas trailing. With enjambments crimped
together, lines will multiply to hay-
stacks where well-ordered rows of shocks should be;
A clumsy first harvest, that chaffs away
the kernels of new-sought ability.
(The shoots that do sprout later sha’n’t be weeds:
Such wasted thoughts of new crop are the seeds.)


  1. O...M...G! You're absolutely amazing! Amazing, Kathryn (bows low as she addresses the woman who must be the long distant sister of the Bard himself, time-folded to the the present).

    I don't even have words to say how this piece moved me. My favorite part beginning, "With enjambments...shocks should be;..." The entire piece beholds art right in its arms, like a cradle for words. Beautiful.

    1. Oh, how will I ever live up to this? You'll find much closer cousins to WS in Timothy Steele and Robin Skelton, from whom I've read, sketchily.

      Like the idea of Art and Try having a spin on the dance floor; honestly, hadn't seen that image.

      Here I thought I was being a little sly, and you found it right away.

      I can tell what my summer will be like already…LOL
      K:) XO

    2. LOL! I love that you included an image with this one. I know it's difficult to include an image with each poem for a variety of reasons, but the most prominent being that you probably don't want to lead the reader's interpretation through your image (or maybe you do ;-))

      You were being sly...I'm just one of those (you know) who sees what many others don't at first glance. xoxo

    3. Me 'n' my camera phone: never parted…


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